According to the U.S. Census, there will be a spike in the age 60+ population from 43,043,000 in 2005 to 73,769,000 in 2020 – an increase of 71 percent. These senior citizens deserve to experience their golden years with dignity and good health.
The Legacy Foundation will fund programs that improve access to healthcare services and improve the quality of life for older adults. This includes programs that enable seniors to “Age in Place,” i.e. live in their own home or place of their choice for as long as comfortably and safely possible. Livability can be extended through the incorporation of the following services:
- Universal design principles
- Telecare and other assistive technologies such as communications and health and wellness monitoring
- Home safety and security
The Legacy Foundation will also look favorably on programs that promote and support hospice care as a choice at the end of life.